Monday, February 15, 2016

Getting a Referral

I referred to an excellent salesman I know in a previous blog.  His name is Mike.  He taught me another important thing a sales person has to do: ask for a referral.  You have made your pitch; you have been successful--or maybe not successful.  You have the opportunity to turn the sales call into something more important--ask for a referral.  Ask your customer if he knows anyone else that can use what you're selling.  I can't make enough of a point about this.  We lose great opportunities when we don't explore the knowledge of our customers.  Maybe they belong to trade organizations or a local group and can provide an introduction.
This is an opportunity that is too often lost--the opportunity to ask the person we've just made a presentation to if there is someone else that can benefit from our service or product.
Ask for a referral and ask for an introduction to the referral.  Or you're missing out on potential sales.

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