Saturday, June 13, 2020

Selling in a Covid World: The New Normal

The all too familiar image of the Covid 19 virus
Today I needed to check out new windows for my house.  I called a window company and they sent a salesman (who happened to be the company's owner).  The reason the owner came was because it's difficult in these times to get folks to go our and risk getting infected by this awful virus.
But we were all careful, all keeping more than 6' distancing and covering our mouths and noses with masks.  Plenty of hand sanitizer was used as well.
There is an old saying: "it all starts with the sale".  If we don't sell, the manufacturers don't manufacture.  And the corresponding old saying is: "when sales stop, everything stops".  
I visited a new car dealer recently and, once again, everything was handled with distancing and masks.  This is the new normal.  You don't go to the car dealer any more and jump into a car for a test drive.  You make an appointment and the dealer sanitizes the car and you take it out alone.
Every type of sales job will require looking at how to accomplish the sales task with new rules: Masks, distancing, and sanitizing (MDS).
Do not apologize for how you handle your job.  Your customer may not wear a mask, but you should.  Don't let peer pressure convince you otherwise.
Inform the customer that you will be following all CDC and state requirements: masks, distancing, sanitizing.  
Unfortunately, we can't stop the sales process.  But we can take great care to make the sales process safe.  Be very clear about how you will handle yourself and don't compromise.  And, by all means, don't apologize.  Masks reduce potential infection by at least 50%.  Wear a mask.
Sell, but sell safely.
Next up--Virtual Selling during Covid.

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