Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Year's Resolution: First Impressions Matter a LOT

Or not


Make a Great First Impression

From Inc. Magazine: "Science has just discovered exactly how long first impressions linger.... To test the durability of quick first impressions, a team of researchers at Cornell University had 55 volunteers view pictures of a woman they had never met before.  In some photos she was smiling, in others she was serious-faced.  After viewing the picture the subjects rated her personality for qualities like extraversion and friendliness.  Then these same volunteers actually met the woman in real life between one and six months later. ... The impression of the woman's personality the subjects received from the photograph still heavily colored their face to face conversation."

So, what can constitute a bad first impression:  not paying attention; having your head buried in your computer or cell phone during the meeting; not smiling; not asking intelligent questions that show your interest in what is being discussed; sitting with a frown on your face and your arms folded.

And what makes a good first impression: smiling; firm handshake; listening deeply to the conversation; asking questions that further the discussion; putting your computer and cell phone away; good posture.

A good first impression is a lasting impression; make your first impression a great one.

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