Saturday, December 19, 2015

Making a List and Checking it Twice -- even three or four times!

There is one tried and true way to reduce stress: lists.  At the end of the work day, make a list of what you want to accomplish tomorrow.  Review the list throughout the day.  Psychologists have proven that lists reduce stress.  The danger with lists of things to do is that they become too long.  The list should be what absolutely has to get done that day.  Five items is great; ten items is the maximum.

When a salesperson is making a call on a customer, the effective salesperson makes a list of the customer's needs.  The salesperson listens before talking.  Asks questions, and makes a list.  What does he need to do to get this customer's business?  Always listening; always asking questions; always making notes to turn into a todo list.

What is a salesperson NEVER doing in the presence of a customer?  Looking at his cellphone.  If there is a mortal sin of sales, it is that.  Pay absolute attention to the customer and his needs; make a list of what you need to do to capture this customer's business; and then DO IT.  Just do it.


  1. I have allowed the entering of comments. Please feel free to comment on the blog content or give examples of your experience.

  2. Before getting out of your car prior to a sales call - you should do a final prep fro the meeting, turn off your cell phone and place it in your bag or belt clip. While in the meeting if you need to place a call to help with a certain questions or on going issue, take a picture of something to use as a tool to help with a situation - first ask your client if it OK to use your phone specifically to make a call or take a picture. This is just common manners for anyone to use.
