Sunday, December 13, 2015

But I digress....Body Language

If there is anyone reading this who thinks that body language is NOT critical to the selling process, will never be successful.  It is that simple.  Body language can make or break the sale.
Harvard psychologist, Amy Cuddy, has written a new book called "Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges".  The message is very simple:  Stand tall, like a super hero, hands on your hips, chest out, chin high, for two minutes before your meeting, and you will present yourself as powerful and knowledgeable."
I know this to be true.  I made a sales call recently to a body shop.  The owner was not there and his manager wife greeted me.  Despite being short, she stood tall and gave me a strong handshake.  This was a woman in charge.
You cannot make a sale if you're hunched over and sad-faced when you greet a customer.  
I attended a rock concert recently.  One of the acts was The Band Perry.  The band has four members: the sister, who is the lead singer, one older brother, one younger brother, and a backup violinist/keyboardist.  Just based on body language, I ranked the lead singer as number 1, the backup violinist/keyboardist as number 2, the younger brother as 3, and the older brother as number 4.  The older brother's body language was: "I don't belong here; I'm not as talented as my sister and brother and they are just letting me be here--to satisfy the family.".  
The lesson from Amy Cuddy is to spend two minutes, in private, before any meeting, standing like a super hero: hands on your hips, chin high, focused.  Then, go to your meeting smiling, strong handshake and confident.  This will get you the sale.

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