Thursday, November 19, 2015

Introduction to the Fine Art of Selling

Selling is an underrated profession. A good salesperson will always find a job because a good salesperson knows how to sell the boss as well as the customer. It doesn't matter whether you're selling refrigerators at Sears or used cars, or God to parishioners, selling is the fine art of demonstrating that you have a solution that will make their lives better. The purpose of this blog is to bring my 41 years of experience in selling to anyone interested in learning this fine art. I was once at a restaurant and ran into some friends. I was introduced to someone I didn't know and he asked me what I do. I replied that I was in sales. He replied in a very condescending manner that he "guessed someone has to do it". And this comment was from a priest who, if he's doing his job right, is selling all the time. Everyone who wants to be successful sells. People who want to be very successful sell well. This blog is dedicated to the fine art of selling. I hope that my passion for selling will demonstrate itself in this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you sharing your hard-won and demonstrably valid experience here, looking forward to more!

